8.1.2025- 19.3.2025

Learning outcomes

This integrated skills course supports students in their academic studies. Students develop their abilities in reading, writing, listening and speaking in addition to the special discourse and terminology of their fields, and create a portfolio of work to showcase these skills. Emphasis is placed on active student participation.

By the end of the course students should:

  • be able to analyse an English academic text and summarise the main ideas orally and in writing;
  • recognize and use appropriate style in academic writing;
  • be able to take notes from books and lectures; and
  • be able to take an active part in discussions.
  • reading authentic academic texts taken from journals, textbooks, and online sources
  • developing strategies to enable effective reading of authentic texts
  • developing academic vocabulary based on the Academic Word List (AWL)
  • listening to lectures on complex academic topics and taking notes
  • practising strategies for active listening
  • practising using English academic writing conventions, leading to short written assignments
  • participating in small study group discussions, and giving short presentations

The course is compliant with the degree requirements of language teaching in the University of Turku Faculties of Humanities, Education, Technology, Science and Social Sciences. The course can be included in the mandatory approval of language and communication studies. Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: B2

Students are chosen in order of enrolment, 25 students/course

Study methods

Active participation, attendance and final portfolio (pass/fail).

Course unit methods

Lectures and tutorials 40 h and independent work online in Moodle.

For credit, students must participate in lectures and tutorials at least 80% of the contact lessons, participate actively, and complete

  • Teacher
    Patrick Gallagher