Omics Technologies and Bioinformatics course is organised by the Turku Bioscience Centre. During the course students are introduced into the cutting-edge technologies and methodologies available for omics analyses and learn how these tools can be applied in biomedical research. Omics technologies facilitate high-throughput and unbiased investigation of the genome and its products. Omics techniques can be applied to study structure and variation of genomes (genomics), regulation of genome organization and gene activity (epigenomics) as well as measurement of abundancies and activities of genomic products, such as mRNAs (transcriptomics), proteins (proteomics) and metabolites (metabolomics) in diverse cells, tissues and conditions. These approaches and their integration can provide valuable information of biological processes in both healthy and disease conditions and molecular mechanisms underlying disease states. The methods also enable discovery of novel biomarkers and targets for therapeutic interventions. The course is divided in two parts: Module 1 introduces the technologies and their application while Module 2 covers the bioinformatical approaches and methods used in the analysis of the high-throughput omics data.

  • Teacher
    Lund Riikka