After completing the course, students will be able to plan, prepare and deliver presentations related to their clinical research-track studies. They will be aware of the elements of effective scientific presentations and able to design media-rich presentations, which account for the needs of different audiences: academic, working-life, expert, non-expert, high-context and low-context. Students will be able to use information-literacy skills to cite and reference sources orally and in visuals. They will also be able to use digital-literacy skills to design visual aids using assertion evidence techniques and able to present these visuals effectively. Students will be able to use collaboration skills to evaluate and give constructive feedback on peer presentations and will be able to self-evaluate their own presentations based on video recordings. They will also have a greater understanding of the impact of emotion on Non-Verbal Communication and can use language more effectively.

Mon. 28.09.2022 08:15-09:45 MED D1018, Spaatteli
Wed. 05.10.2022 10:15-11:45 MED D1018, Spaatteli
Tue. 01.11.2022 14:15-15:45 MED D1018, Spaatteli
Wed. 16.11.2022 08:15-09:45 Blokki 2, (MED D1054)
Mon. 21.11.2022 10:15-11:45 DEN216, Dent1

Wed. 28.09.2022 10:15-11:45 MED D1018, Spaatteli
Wed. 05.10.2022 08:15-09:45 MED D1018, Spaatteli
Wed. 02.11.2022 13:15-14:45 MED D1018, Spaatteli
Wed. 16.11.2022 10:15-11:45 Blokki 2 (Med D1054) 
Wed. 21.11.2022 08:15-09:45 DEN216, Dent1