The pre-service teachers
- are able to plan, implement and evaluate pedagogical activities and teaching in various learning environments based on the National Core Curriculum for Early Childhood Education and Care (VASU, 2018/2022); on the basis of theoretical knowledge of the growth and development of the child
- particularly understand the importance of quality interaction between adults and children, and are able to implement sensitive attention and encounters during one’s teaching and interaction
- are able to plan and implement a wide range of teaching strategies and working and operating methods in groups of children of different sizes
- are gradually able to deepen the pedagogical responsibility for the activities of the group as a whole, as well as to share responsibility between team members
- observe the development, play and interaction of the child in the peer group and discuss about the observations in the team
- know the importance of transition phases in the life of the child and family and during planning and implementation are able to anticipate transition phases from the point of view of the child's sense of safety
- from the perspective of realization of quality early childhood education, the students understand the importance of interaction between early childhood team members and adults and children, and are capable of actively and professionally interact with the team
- is able to set goals for one’s own professional development
- is able to reflect experiences and identify one’s own methods of observation and teaching practices
The pre-service teachers
- are able to plan, implement and evaluate pedagogical activities and teaching in various learning environments based on the National Core Curriculum for Early Childhood Education and Care (VASU, 2018/2022); on the basis of theoretical knowledge of the growth and development of the child
- particularly understand the importance of quality interaction between adults and children, and are able to implement sensitive attention and encounters during one’s teaching and interaction
- are able to plan and implement a wide range of teaching strategies and working and operating methods in groups of children of different sizes
- are gradually able to deepen the pedagogical responsibility for the activities of the group as a whole, as well as to share responsibility between team members
- observe the development, play and interaction of the child in the peer group and discuss about the observations in the team
- know the importance of transition phases in the life of the child and family and during planning and implementation are able to anticipate transition phases from the point of view of the child's sense of safety
- from the perspective of realization of quality early childhood education, the students understand the importance of interaction between early childhood team members and adults and children, and are capable of actively and professionally interact with the team
- is able to set goals for one’s own professional development
- is able to reflect experiences and identify one’s own methods of observation and teaching practices
- Opettaja
Leif Rosqvist