
-The course will improve a student's knowledge of the existing aphasia treatment literature and critical matters affecting quality of aphasia research.
-The student will learn to use tools to assess quality of aphasia treatment research. This will provide better means to understand the current evidence and to conduct evidence-based practice.
-Although the focus will be in aphasia treatment, the basic knowledge will be applicable to other fields and client groups within speech-pathology. Thus, the course will provide opportunity to develop general skills in reading and interpreting scientific evidence.

The aims are related to the following competencies a speech-pathologist is considered to have when graduating from the university (currently only available in Finnish, see [Valmistuvan puheterapeutin osaamistavoitteet](https://www.helsinki.fi/assets/drupal/2022-01/LTDK_logopedia_valmistuvan_puheterapeutin_osaamistavoitteet_fi.pdf): 1. Theoretical basis, information processing, critical thinking; 2. Research and development of the discipline; 4. Interaction skills, 6. Planning and conducting treatment and its follow-up, 8. Expertise and its development.