
The course is aimed at elucidating the role of structure/reactivity relationship in basic reactions, and in that way deepen the understanding or organic reactions. In comparison to bachelor level studies, more attention will be paid to explaining mechanisms in orbital level (cf. Structure and Reactivity I course). Within these tools, Structure and Reactivity II course focuses on requirements of reactions of carbonyl compounds, carboxylic acids and derivatives and aromatic reactions. The second half of the course focuses on neighboring group participation, electrocyclization, cycloaddition and sigmatropic rearrangements. In these reactions, the orbital level understanding of the reactions is even more important than in classical heterogenic reactions (cf. Structure and Reactivity I course).

Learning outcomes:
Students understand the structure/reactivity relationship in the reactions of aromatic compounds, carbonyl compounds, carboxylic acids and their derivatives, i.e. , why different molecules react in a way they are known to react'', and how molecule orbitals reflect to reaction mechanisms, reactivity and stereochemistry (cf. Structure and Reactivity I). Students understand the concept of neighboring group participation and its contribution to reaction kinetics and stereochemistry. Students can handle orbital theory required to understand electrocyclization reactions, cycloadditions and sigmatropic rearrangements.
  • Teacher
    Mikko Ora