
Students are able to analyze the connections between ethics and futures studies in a multifaceted way. They are aware of ethical issues that commonly arise in futures studies and foresight processes. Students understand the different levels of ethical responsibility of a futures practitioner, including research integrity, general research ethics and ethical issues specific to futures studies. They acknowledge the dialogical characteristics of ethical evaluation and are able to articulate ethical stances of futures research. Students are also able to work in teams and collaboratively evaluate the various ethical dimensions of complex phenomena, as e.g. sustainable development, democracy, intergenerational relations, and technology, including their possible future developments. They are capable of reflective scientific argumentation in written form.

Ethical questions are connected to the general ideas of justice, and thus to sustainable development on general level and especially from the perspective of SDGs 16 (peace, justice and strong institutions) and 17 (partnerships for the goals).
  • Opettaja
    Katriina Siivonen