
The aim of the course is to provide students with understanding on various aspects of multinational corporations' (MNC) foreign direct investments (FDI) and their decision-making on FDI. The course focuses on decisions related to why, where and how to make FDI. During the course, students will also acquire knowledge and understanding on the role of MNCs and FDI in the global economy, and reflect ethical and sustainability issues related to FDI and host countries. After the completion of the course, students should be able to (1) describe the basic theories explaining FDI and understand MNCs' various motives for FDI; (2) understand factors influencing the location choice of FDI; (3) describe and compare the different entry and establishment modes of FDI and understand various factors affecting companies' choices on them; (4) describe and discuss the impact of FDI on host countries; and (5) describe and analyze trends in global and regional FDI flows. The course will develop students' independent learning, written communication, and analytical skills.