The overall aim of this course is to introduce students to the process and basic tools and techniques of conducting research in areas related to international business, entrepreneurship and innovation management. Students will learn to organise information for developing decision alternatives and support managerial decision-making. Students will also learn to critically evaluate the trustworthiness of both qualitative and quantitative research reports. 

KVS 60 is an important overall component of GIM studies and should be seen holistically in conjunction with GIM students' Masters Thesis and other courses. The course design is aiming to facilitate the research skills development and to form a scientific mindset. 

The course is completed in three parts and course outlines will be distrubuted seperately to students.


Attendance in all sessions is required. The study of research methodology is not easily obtained from reading a book. The approach to learning how to do research will apply a ‘hands on’ approach, which will introduce major aspects of academic research. For that reason, KVS60 students are organized in small learning groups or pairs, which collaborate on exercises throughout the course (October 2023 to May 2024). Therefore, KVS60 students will be required to participate actively. Mere passive attendance will not suffice. In case students cannot participate in any part of the course requires a written explanation to the course coordinators. In addition, students will be responsible to acquire the missed knowledge by alternative means and to substitute for eventual shortcomings the learning group members or the entire learning community of KVS 60 may suffer.

  • Teacher
    Birgitta Sandberg