
The course will broaden and deepen the student’s understanding of 1) the role of Asia in the world economy, 2) the geography of trade and global production networks, and 3) how trade policies affect internationally operating firms in Asian economies. The student learns to analyze foreign trade and to explore Asian countries as business environments by reflecting on the key concepts on trade, global value chains, regional integration, and labour issues. On successful completion of the course, the student will be able to:
- understand foreign trade at a country and global level,
- identify the importance of trade and global value chains on Asian economies’ development paths,
- recognize challenges faced by internationally operating firms in Asian countries,
- reflect key concepts and theories to explain these developments, and use the theories to investigate the challenges and possible solutions for sustainable development,
- communicate study outcomes in written form.
  • Opettaja: Erja Kettunen-Matilainen